Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Thursday 5th July (day one) – 475 Miles Beaune

OUCH!!! I am prepared to endure a lot for my passions. Obviously! It has been a hard slog, just to get into France we pressed further than we would normally and used mainly Peáge (Later to become the bane of my life). Off course, I've done it before but my recollection, in memories true form, neglected to remember just how physically grueling those sort of miles can be.

The XTX can cope with the speed but far from comfortably, particularly when fully loaded like this. Anything over 80 and it develops an unnerving weave. To the point where I was frequently convince that it would imminently develop into a full on uncontrollable tankslapper and dump me unceremoniously on my posterior. I've never been hurled from a bike at 80MPH and I can't say the idea was very appealing.

Weather wise, I guess you could say we've been really rather lucky. At 100 miles into France the heavens opened and continued for the next 100 miles (marked by fuel stops) and that was it for the rain. My gear held up to it superbly and the water proof over coat proved to be a life saver. Very snug. Even my new boots kept my tootsies warm and dry.

So, we've arrived at Beaune with an immense and overwhelming sense of achievement. For some of us (not mentioning any names Simon) we've ridden further than our sum total riding experience in one day (all be it, pretty much in a straight line)! Needless to say, we go for a few celebratory beers. A few too many some might suggest but all well deserved I can assure you. Beaune is amazing! For just a one night stop over we couldn't wish for a more picture-postcard little town. The two newbie's are blown away. We do the usual British thing of hoping from bar to bar (me quite literally – my knee was really quite sore by now). Not because we're on a pub crawl – more fear that we'd miss a good one. They're all brilliant.

All in all, I would say that today is a good day. For all my gripes, aches and pains (not to mention my knee) I'm glad to be here.

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