Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Thursday 12th July – 312.6 Miles Berck Sur Mer

We sadly parted company with Paul this morning. A planned departure this time though as he had to press on home for his daughters first birthday whilst we went on to enjoy Bastille day back in France.

The day consisted of about 20 miles of nice rural sweepies followed by 292 miles of the most tedious, monotonous miles you could imagine. The most inspiring part to my day was a particularly vibrant bug splat on my jacket. I was really not into it at all today. I hate the motorway stuff, it's incredibly uncomfortable and hard work on the XTX. I guess needs must some days and it was important to cover the miles.

Had a fun night at the campsite bar though to make up for it and by the morning most of our stuff would be dry.

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